May 16, 2024


For me, the hardest part of any camping trip was to plan the meals. Not only do I have to figure out easy meals to plan for multiple days, but meals that my kids will eat. Meals that don’t take forever to cook, and meals that aren’t incredibly hard to clean up.

The KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) method applied to what you do at the campsite means a thoughtful, detailed approach to what you do at home.

Hi, I’m Cody. I’m just a dad with a couple of kids. I try to take them camping when I can. We car camp and do some basic backpacking a few times a year.

I enjoy trying out new ideas, and every new idea can have multiple approaches. I’ve got a Hamilton Beach 5-tray food dehydrator that I experiment with. My kids love dried apple slices and other sweet goodies I make in there. It’s also been interesting drying ingredients for dishes, and also making beef jerky.

My goal here is to keep track of different things I try out for camping meals. You should always try a recipe or technique ahead of your trip. Things don’t always work as expected, and it’s better to find this out at home.

Always use your best judgement with food storage. When in doubt, throw it out.

I’m inspired by many recipes from various chefs around the internet. I strive to link to recipes that I’ve adapted or given me inspiration, adding in camping hacks as I can.

Sometimes I link to products on other sites. Expect these to be affiliate links, and I thank you for supporting this site by visiting these links.

And finally, if you have a tip or a suggestion, leave a comment or drop us a line. Your positive interaction makes for a better article.